Leadership & Management
There has never been a more important time recently for leaders to provide critical value-based
leadership to their organizations and communities. COVID-19 and the rising tensions surrounding diversity, equity and inclusion, have led to impassable situations facing many of our communities, cases that require leadership skills to respond to the problem. In that regard comes values-based leadership,
wherein the idea is that leaders draw upon their values, as well as others’, which includes that of
their community or organization, for direction and motivation.
Values-based leadership requires you to know and understand your values, the values of those around you, and that of your community. You are considering them all and working together towards identifying which values to prioritize and work towards the desired goal. Knowing the difference between leadership and management in values-based leadership is essential. Management is different in its approach. Management dictates more control, handling logistics such as finance, equipment, data analysis, etc. Conversely, leadership is fewer logistics and more personal.
Focusing on motivation, encouragement, and supporting those who make the goal or vision happen. Business vs. people. It is imperative to recognize the difference between the two essential skills and their capacity to aid in the community or organization depending on the circumstances and how they affect employees daily.

With any form of leadership, one of the first and most essential steps is accepting accountability. Develop your own goals, philosophy, and boundaries, and hold yourself to them in the future. Accountability to meet said goals and stick to one’s philosophy is critical to creating a culture based on values. Accountability is much easier for yourself and others when these things are written down. This concept of leadership philosophy accountability can easily be extended to your organization and other staff to identify and agree on core values. Such a system can enhance the approach toward achieving your culture’s values.
When it comes to values-based leadership, these are perhaps the two most basic ideas to remember: the difference between leadership and management, and developing a philosophy of accountability. These are critical components of a strong foundation of values-based leadership and vital to maintaining a thriving organization.
Advanced Controller and CFO Skills: Leadership Styles; Change Management. e-book, Durham,
NC, Association of International Certified Public Accountants, 2021.