Leadership Basics

Unlock Your Leadership Potential with Essential Skills and Strategies – Explore Leadership Basics to Lead with Confidence and Effectiveness.

A cup of coffee and some papers on the table

Negativity Bias

Humans tend to think negatively for various reasons, and understanding these factors can help us...
A group of people sitting at a table with papers.

Change Management Principles

Reviewing change management principles, the Curve of Change, and the Change Cycle, it is easy...
A person drawing an upward growth chart on the wall.

The Change Cycle

Expanding upon the Curve of Change, Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s writing about the five stages of...
A woman sitting at a table looking down at papers.

Curve of Change

The Rogers adoption curve model visualizes how quickly products, technology, and ideas are adopted. Although...
A woman sitting at a table with a laptop.

Change Management

Change is everywhere, whether in the business world, political world, or others. Everything is changing...
A man in blue shirt and tie talking on phone.

Developing Your Leadership Skills

Developing leadership skills, many of which have previously been detailed, is a challenging process wherein...
A woman is speaking at a podium with her hands raised.

The Roles of a Leader

The roles of a leader are many. A leader is not bound to one role....
A group of people sitting in front of a whiteboard.

Taking Action – Kotter’s Eight-Step Model

Kotter’s Eight-Step Model outlines steps to take when implementing change. Having broken down the steps...
A person points to the bottom of a pie chart.

Eight-Step Model for Change

Kotter's eight-step model for change comprises three major states: the current state, the transition state,...
Two people are standing on a bridge over a maze.

Leadership Styles

In 1939, Kurt Lewin, a distinguished German-American psychologist known as one of the father's of...