Leadership Basics
Unlock Your Leadership Potential with Essential Skills and Strategies – Explore Leadership Basics to Lead with Confidence and Effectiveness.

Negativity Bias
Humans tend to think negatively for various reasons, and understanding these factors can help us...

Change Management Principles
Reviewing change management principles, the Curve of Change, and the Change Cycle, it is easy...

The Change Cycle
Expanding upon the Curve of Change, Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s writing about the five stages of...

Curve of Change
The Rogers adoption curve model visualizes how quickly products, technology, and ideas are adopted. Although...

Change Management
Change is everywhere, whether in the business world, political world, or others. Everything is changing...

Developing Your Leadership Skills
Developing leadership skills, many of which have previously been detailed, is a challenging process wherein...

Taking Action – Kotter’s Eight-Step Model
Kotter’s Eight-Step Model outlines steps to take when implementing change. Having broken down the steps...